User Account Settings

Configure the following user account settings and select Save.


The Admin account that you create here, on the Onboard workbench, applies to the local captive portal. When using captive portal, manage account passwords from the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller Onboard > AAA > Local Password Repository. The default captive portal password is Extreme@pp.

The Admin account created here is separate from your ExtremeCloud IQ Controller system account. System accounts are managed from Administration > Accounts.

Table 1. User Account Settings
Field Description
Enabled Indicates if the user account is enabled. Select to enable the user account.
First Name User's first name.
Last Name User's last name.
Display Name Name that displays on the user interface for the account. This can be the User name or something else.
Username User name for the account.
Password Hash Type Password hash function used for password hashing.
Password Password for the account. Alphanumeric value, minimum of 6 characters. The default captive portal password is Extreme@pp.
Description Text description of user account.